Prostate Cancer Screening, Ipswich, Saturday 8th February
〰️ Prostate Cancer Screening, Ipswich, Saturday 8th February
Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing & Information Centre
(formerly the John Le Vay Cancer Support and Information Centre)
A message from Gillian Clarke, Manager of the Centres …
“Welcome to the Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre website. If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, we're here to help.”
How to use this website | Making a donation | Charities that fund our activities | About Us (opens new page) | Our Team (opens new page)
Welcome to the Centre
We know that cancer can affect a person’s life in many ways, including physically, emotionally and financially. Everyone is different and each person reacts differently but you don’t need to cope alone.
Our specially trained team of volunteers and staff are able to help anyone affected by cancer to navigate their journey with help and support, improving their quality of life along the way. When you take action, however small, to improve your wellbeing, it can help you feel more in control of what is happening to you and can help you in the longer term too.
How to use this website
If this is the first time you have looked at this website, you may wish to start by clicking one of the three arrows below. These will take you to pages containing support and information that is most likely to be relevant to you if you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, is having treatment or is living with or beyond cancer.
Clicking the “What’s on” box above will take you to information about all the support and activities available from the Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre.
Clicking the “All Support & Information” box will take you to our complete set of information about support available both from other organisations and all the support and activities available from the Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre.
Making a donation
The Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre is dependent on donations to provide the activities available to support people with a cancer diagnosis. If you wish to make a donation online please click the button below or ask about making a donation when you visit the Centre.
Please accept our thanks for any donation that you choose to make.
Charities that fund our activities
Click the images below to find out more about the charitable organisations that provide funding for activities that are available by contacting the Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre: