Who can attend the class?
The classes are available for anyone following breast cancer surgery.
The general guide is anytime from 6 weeks post surgery unless you have had complications, maybe your wound has not fully healed or you have been advised to wait longer by the Breast Care Team. If you are going on to have a course of radiotherapy or chemotherapy then radiotherapy it is best to wait until you have finished all the treatment. Sometimes people develop skin soreness at the site of radiotherapy, depending how uncomfortable that feels you might want to delay the start of the breast exercise class by a couple of weeks after you finish treatment. We also find waiting until after your treatment has been completed means you are less tired. Joining the classes in person allows the instructor to give personalised guidance and feedback. In addition, you will meet others who have also had treatment for breast cancer which can be supportive and also a great resource in terms of shared experience and ideas. If you are choosing to go back to work and need to any take time off to go to the class, we are happy to provide you with a letter that says that this class is part of your continued treatment.
If you are unable to attend the class in person, you may find it useful to refer to recordings of exercises for breast cancer patients which are available elsewhere on our website at this link.
In addition to these exercise classes, if you are having problems with, pain, tightness and reduced movement around the site of your surgery scar you can ask to be referred for free scar therapy. This is tailored massage which can help Breast Cancer patients improve pain and functional issues post treatment. Speak to your nurse specialist or contact the Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre for more information and a referral. Please follow this link to a presentation which gives further information.
What is the aim of the class?
Over a six week course the aim is to increase your upper body strength and flexibility, reducing the risk of developing Lymphoedema. The exercises will also help with your balance and posture. The class is fun and aimed at giving you peer support from others who may have been through similar breast cancer treatment. People often tell us that attending the class after all the treatment had finished helped them cope emotionally as well as physically. The course gave them confidence and some made life long friends from the group.
What can you expect at the class?
Lucy, who runs the group is employed by Felixstowe Leisure Centre. She has a qualification in cancer rehabilitation and has been on a specific course to enable her to run this particular class . Lucy has been successfully running these classes for over 2 years. She ensures the classes are fun and relaxed whilst at the same time ensuring participants reach their full potential.If you would like to continue exercising after your have completed your 6 week breast exercise class a popular option is to move to Lucy’s general fitness class called Back on Track at Brackenbury Sports centre Felixstowe. This is available as another funded six week referral with a view to continue for a small fee of £3 per class.
A short video about the classes
There is a maximum number of 15 people per class.
There is also a Breast Cancer Exercise class held in the Ipswich area if the Felixstowe dates are not suitable for you.
Exercise after the classes
Recordings of a selection of exercises for breast cancer patients are available elsewhere on our website by following this link. These videos are an additional resource (except for people who are unable to attend in person) and are not intended to replace the face-to-face exercise classes.
Are there any costs involved?
These courses have kindly been funded by a Local Charity Art for Cure.
There is no cost to you for this 6 week course. You will be given equipment to use during the session.
Where are the classes held?
The classes are held at either Felixstowe Leisure Centre on Felixstowe seafront or Brackenbury Sports Centre on High Road East in Felixstowe. You will be informed which location will be used when your booking is confirmed.
For maps and directions to the two facilities, please follow these links:
Map & directions for Felixstowe Leisure Centre, IP11 2AE. There is a pay and display car park at Convalescent Hill and at the Felixstowe Leisure Centre.
Map and directions for Brackenbury Sport Centre, IP11 9JF. Parking is available at the Sport Centre.
If you need to get a message to Lucy on the day of the class please call the Sports Centre Reception tel: 01394 694 600.
Refreshments available?
Please bring your own water bottle.
Anything you need to bring with you?
Any fitness equipment will be provided.
Please wear loose fitting comfortable clothing, and trainers or comfortable flat shoes.
It is suggested you bring your own water bottle. You will be able to re-fill it.
How often are the classes held?
Each course runs on a Tuesday 2.45-3.45pm for 6 consecutive weeks, To get the maximum benefit it is best to commit to attending the full course.
There is often a 2-3 week gap between each group of six classes. For start dates, please contact the John Le Vay Support and Information Centre.
We also hold Breast Exercise classes in the Ipswich areas.
To make a booking
To make a booking for this activity, contact the Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre by phone 01473 715748 or in visit person. For more detailed information about the booking process please follow this link.