Coach Led Swimming Session
Update: New coach-led swimming sessions are available at Felixstowe Leisure Centre (and may become available at Leiston and Deben Leisure Centres) - see below for more information. Please contact the Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre for more information or to reserve a place.
Who can attend the classes?
Any patient with a cancer diagnosis.
What is the aim of the classes?
To help you adapt, improve or strengthen your swimming technique. This might be because you have had surgery which has restricted some of your movement or weakened your upper body muscles.
You may have side effects from cancer treatment that has left you feeling fatigued, or with peripheral nerve damage to hands/feet or other side effects that you need extra support for.
You may have lost your confidence getting into your costume due to changes to your body image.
Your may have a goal to learn to swim
You may have chosen swimming for your regular exercise and need support/motivation to do this.
You can access this class for as long as you feel is right for you.
What can you expect at the classes?
The classes are small so people can swim and work on their own goals with the instructor’s support.
Are there any costs involved?
At Fore Street pool in Ipswich there is a cost of £4 per session, which is paid to the instructor on the day. There is no charge for the class at Felixstowe Leisure Centre.
Where is the Ipswich class held?
Fore Street Swimming pool
Fore St, Ipswich IP4 1JZ
Telephone: 01473 433655
Please only use this number for directions or to get messages to the instructor on the day.
The website for Fore Street Pool gives full information about facilities available.
Where is the Felixstowe class held?
Felixstowe Leisure Centre, Undercliff Road, Felixstowe, IP11 2AE
Telephone: 01394 694600
Please only use this number for directions or to get messages to the instructor on the day.
The website for the Leisure Centre gives full information about facilities available.
How often are the classes held?
At Fore Street pool in Ipswich, sessions are held during school term time on Tuesdays 3pm-4 pm.
At Felixstowe Leisure Centre, sessions are held on Wednesdays 1:15pm-2:15pm.
To make a booking
To make a booking for this activity, contact the Ipswich Cancer Wellbeing and Information Centre by phone 01473 715748 or in visit person. For more detailed information about the booking process please follow this link.