Teenage and Young Adult Services
Specific tailored support for 16-25 year old cancer patients treated at Ipswich hospital
Receiving a cancer diagnosis at any age is very difficult to manage but as a young person with your whole life ahead of you it seems unthinkable and very daunting. Please contact us with any questions, queries, worries or concerns
Clinical Nurse Specialist - Dan Jolley - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Contact Dan on: 01473 702022
Centre manager - Julie Finbow - Monday to Friday
Contact Julie on: 01473 715748
To access to information and support for newly diagnosed patients click here
We work in partnership with Addenbrookes Teenage Cancer Unit(website):
Email: tya.team@addenbrookes.nhs.uk
Tel: 01223 274243
Regular opportunity to meet up - face to face or on-line
Wellbeing Days - Lifehouse Spa Thorpe Le Soken - 4 dates per year
Meet the team
Dan Jolley TYA Clinical Nurse Specialist
Julie Finbow MacMillan Centre Manager
Further Support
Toung Lives vs Cancer www.younglivesvscancer.org.uk (previously known as CLIC Sargent)
Teenage Cancer Trust www.teenagecancertrust.org
Teenage Unite www.teensunite.org
Trekstock - for young adults with cancer www.trekstock.com/
Something to look forward to somethingtolookforwardto.org.uk
Little Princess Trust www.littleprincesses.org.uk
Youth Cancer Trust – support and free holidays www.youthcancertrust.org
Teens unite – support, workshops, activities, residential stays www.teensunite.org
Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust www.ellenmacarthurcancertrust.org