UK National Cancer Charities/ Organisations

General Cancer Help and advice
Macmillan Cancer Support  - 0808 808 0000
Cancer Research UK  -  0808 800 4040 (cancer nurse helpline)


In addition to your cancer healthcare team (consultants, clinical nurse specialists, chemotherapy and radiotherapy staff, GP’s etc), the following organisations, charities and support groups could provide you with tumour site specific advice, support and information that you may find helpful.  Some of the helplines are staffed by cancer nurses.   

If your cancer is not listed below, you may find additional information and sources of support on the following website pages:

Cancer Research UK: Your Cancer Type

Macmillan Cancer Support: Cancer types A-Z 


Fight Bladder Cancer  Tel: 0300 102 0181 or 01844 351 621
This charity is run by bladder cancer survivors and their families. You can join a support network and a confidential online forum. You can find information about how treatments might affect you.

Action Bladder Cancer UK  Tel: 0300 302 0085  Email:
This UK based charity gives information and support to people affected by bladder cancer. They can also give you details of support groups in your local area.

Urostomy Association  Tel: 01386 430140  Email:
This is a self help organisation that runs a network of groups throughout the country. They can arrange for someone who has had a urostomy to visit you before and after your surgery.  They also provide booklets about what is a urostomy, guidance on diet and exercise, travel and sex life after a urostomy.


Anthony Nolan  Tel: 0303 303 0303  Email:
Anthony Nolan runs one of the largest bone marrow donor databases in the world. It has regional centres which are listed on its website. It also provides information about being a stem cell or bone marrow donor. It is looking for people in good health aged 16–30 to join the Anthony Nolan register. In particular, they need more young men and people from black and minority ethnic communities to sign up.

Blood Cancer UK Tel: 0808 208 0888  Email:
They provide information, support and research into all types of blood cancer, including leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma.  The support line is a free and confidential service for all people with blood cancer, their friends and family, and for anyone worried about blood cancer.  There is a dedicated team of trained blood cancer support officers who can help with emotional and practical support, and information about blood cancer.

Leukaemia Cancer Society  Tel: 0208 374 4821
The Leukaemia Cancer Society is a charity that provides information, support and has a befriending service. It's also involved in organising events to recruit donors for the stem cell registry, fundraising for research and raising awareness of blood cancers.

Leukaemia Care  Tel: 08088 010 444 Chat via WhatsApp on 07500068065
Leukaemia Care is a national blood cancer support charity, committed to ensuring that anyone affected by blood cancer receives the right information, advice and support. It provides a range of support services to patients and their carers, including information, support groups, patient and carer conferences, and nurse education days.

Lymphoma Action  Tel: 0808 808 5555  Email:
Lymphoma Action provides information and support for people affected by lymphoma. They provide a helpline service. They also offer online support meetings and a buddy service for putting patients in touch with each other. They run educational events and webinars.  They have a website which includes a database of lymphoma clinical trials.

MDS UK  Tel: 020 7733 7558 Email:
MDS UK supports people who have been given a diagnosis of Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukaemia (CMML). They provide a helpline for advice/ guidance, online patient support groups and a member’s facebook page.

Myeloma UK  Helpline: 0800 980 3332  Email:
They are dedicated to funding research, providing information and supporting those with myeloma. They produce booklets and videos. Booklets are available on their website, or they will send you an information pack. They can provide a list of myeloma support groups in the UK. They have an online discussion forum and myeloma TV.

The National Blood Service  Tel: 0300 123 23 23
The NHS Blood and Transplant service runs the blood donation scheme and organises the supply of blood products. They also run the British Bone Marrow Register (BBMR). The BBRM helps find people stem cell matches.


Bone Cancer Research Trust  Tel: 0113 258 5934
This organisation provides information, support and counselling for people with primary bone cancer and their families. They promote research into the causes and treatment of primary bone cancer, in particular osteosarcoma and Ewing sarcoma.

Sarcoma UK   Tel: 0808 801 0401  Email:
Supports people with bone or soft tissue sarcomas. They have a website, an email support network and produce a newsletter.


Bowel Cancer UK  Tel: 020 7940 1760 Nurse email:  Bowel Cancer UK raise awareness of bowel cancer and campaign for better treatments and care. They provide information about bowel cancers, including anal and rectal cancers through their website and leaflets and they have an online forum.

Guts UK   Tel: 020 7486 0341  Email:
Guts UK produce information and leaflets on common digestive diseases and illnesses. This includes information about cancer of the bowel, food pipe (oesophagus) and stomach.


The Brain Tumour Charity  Tel: 0808 800 0004  Email:
The Brain Tumour Charity is the world's largest dedicated brain tumour charity. It funds research, provides support and information services and raises awareness. It aims to reduce the harm brain tumours have on quality of life, and ultimately, to find a cure.

Brainstrust  Tel: 01983 292 405  Email:
Brainstrust aims to improve care, give support during treatment and help people affected by a brain tumour. It has a support line and organises regular meet ups in various areas of the UK.

Brain Tumour Support  Tel: 01454 422701  Email:
Brain Tumour Support is a charity that provides information and support for people with brain tumours, and their friends and families. The charity is hosting an ongoing programme of online support sessions via Zoom. These include UK wide support groups including for carers or peer support sessions. Brain Tumour Support are also offering topic specific sessions covering issues ranging from finance and benefits, palliative care and creative sessions for wellbeing.


Breast Cancer Now    Tel:  0808 800 6000
Breast Cancer Now is a charity dedicated to funding breast cancer research. They also provide breast cancer information and support across the UK. Services are free and include a (breast care nurses) helpline, website, publications, and practical and emotional support. It was formed by the merger of The Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer in 2015. 

Coppa Feel
CoppaFeel is a UK charity that provides information, advice and creates awareness of breast cancer especially in young people. They also have resources for teachers and educators.You can contact them on their general enquires contact form.

Flat Friends     Email:
Flat Friends UK is a charity that supports women who choose to go flat. So for those ladies living without reconstruction after a mastectomy. You can get in touch with people who have had similar experiences via their online forum, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or face to face. The website also has information about research, fashion ideas, and personal stories.

Hereditary Breast Cancer Helpline
Tel: 01629 813000 (available 8am-10pm)   Email:
Provides support and information if you are concerned about hereditary breast cancer. There is an email address and a telephone number for enquires. Outside office hours, there is a 24 hour answerphone to leave your message. 



Cancer of Unknown Primary Foundation – Jo’s Friends 
The CUP Foundation provides support and information for people with unknown primary cancer and their carers. The CUP Foundation also aims to raise awareness and undertake, promote and support research.
CUP Foundation, The Fold, Lower End, Daglingworth, Cirencester GL7 7AH


Go Girls  Tel: 01305 255719  Email:
Go Girls (based in Dorset) offer support to women with gynaecological cancers. They are also raising awareness and campaigning for better diagnosis and treatments.

Jo’s Trust  Tel: 0808 802 8000
Jo's Trust is a charity who provide information about cervical cancer. They run a helpline staffed by volunteers who have had experience of cervical cancer or abnormal cervical cells. It also has a confidential medical enquiry service. The website has an online forum where you can exchange experiences and information with others who have cervical cancer.

The Eve Appeal  Tel: 0808 802 0019  Email:
The Eve Appeal is a UK national charity raising awareness, and funding research into the five gynaecological cancers - womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal. They also provide a gynae cancer information and support service called Ask Eve.


Mouth Cancer Foundation  Tel: 01924 950950  Email:
The Mouth Cancer Foundation exists to save and improve the lives of patients, carers and survivors, increase awareness and education about all head and neck cancers. They want to make sure that everyone knows about mouth cancer so that cases can be caught earlier and patients are more likely to survive.

Head and Neck Cancer UK   Email:
This UK charity has been set up by cancer specialists and people affected by head and neck cancer. They aim to raise awareness about head and neck cancer, provide information and advice, and act as a voice for people with head and neck cancer and their families. Their website also has stories from people with head and neck cancer.

Changing Faces  Tel: 0300 0120 275   Email:
Changing Faces provide support and information for people who have any form of facial disfigurement including disfigurement caused by cancer. They also provide a skin camouflage service for people in England and Scotland. Trained volunteers teach people how to apply specialist cover creams.  The contact details for the skin camouflage service are:  Tel: 0300 0120 276  Email:

Guts UK   Tel: 020 7486 0341  Email:
Guts UK produce information and leaflets on common digestive diseases and illnesses. This includes information about cancer of the bowel, food pipe (oesophagus) and stomach.

Ochre  Tel: 0800 822 3370  Email:
This is a national cancer charity that has been set up to help promote awareness of oesophageal cancer. It also hopes to encourage research into the causes of oesophageal cancer and to develop information on this disease and offer advice and support to patients and their families.

Oesophageal Patients Association (OPA)  Tel:  0121 704 9860  Email:
The OPA is formed of people who’ve had or still have oesophageal cancer. It publishes useful information about oesophageal cancer and some is relevant to stomach cancer. It also has local support groups and meetings. It offers advice, information, and support to anyone with eating difficulties after stomach or oesophageal surgery.


Kidney Cancer UK  Tel: 0800 002 9002
Kidney Cancer UK offers support for patients and their carers. It helps them get reliable information about kidney cancer and its treatment, and establish a network of individuals and groups who can offer mutual support.  They have 3 local support groups, meeting in South East London, North East England (Sunderland) and the Borders.

Action Kidney Cancer    Tel: 0800 121 8721  Email:
Action Kidney Cancer is a patient -led kidney cancer charity. They have a website and helpline.


British Liver Trust  Tel: 0800 652 7330   Email:  
This charity produces information and leaflets about liver cancer and other liver diseases. They also provide details of local support groups and run a helpline.

Guts UK  Tel: 020 7486 0341  Email:
Guts UK produce information and leaflets on common digestive diseases and illnesses. This includes information about cancer of the bowel, food pipe (oesophagus) and stomach.


The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation  Tel: 0333 323 7200
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation is a UK charity dedicated to defeating lung cancer. It funds research into early diagnosis and provides support to patients and their families. It also helps people to stop smoking and provides anti smoking education materials for children and young people.  People affected by lung cancer can share experiences through the foundation's network of support groups and the online discussion forum: Talk and Share.

Asthma and Lung UK (previously The British Lung Foundation)  Tel: 0300 222 5800
They provide information on all types of lung conditions. They run support groups across the country and produce a newsletter and other publications. They raise funds for research into lung disease.

EGFR positive UK  Tel: none, use this link to e-mail the charity
EGFR Positive UK is a registered charity established by patients and their families and friends. Their purpose is to improve the overall survival and quality of life of EGFR positive lung cancer patients across the United Kingdom. ​The charity has an active Facebook group for patients, family and carers.


Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN)  Tel:  0207 351 4480   Email:
The UK’s national patient support charity for those living with or affected by lymphoedema.  It is the largest information resource for lymphoedema in the UK, producing an ongoing series of fact sheets, for those living with lymphoedema ; however, the high standard of this information has led to healthcare professionals ordering them for use in hospitals and lymphoedema clinics. They also provide online and telephone support, have active social media and online presence, a quarterly newsletter, and encourage the formation of local support groups and works with others to promote equity of care for all those with lymphoedema and increased research.


(also see the resources listed under Cervical Cancer)

Ovacome  Tel: 0800 008 7054  E-mail:
Ovacome is the national UK ovarian cancer charity focused on providing support to anyone affected by ovarian cancer.

Target Ovarian Cancer  Tel (Nurse advisers): 020 7923 5475
Target Ovarian Cancer work to improve early diagnosis, fund research and provide support to women with ovarian cancer.


Pancreatic Cancer UK  Tel: 0808 801 0707  Email:
Pancreatic Cancer UK is committed to fighting pancreatic cancer through research, awareness, information and support and other projects of benefit to pancreatic cancer patients. It provides a resource of information about pancreatic cancer to patients, caregivers and GPs. Their website also has a discussion forum for people with pancreatic cancer and their families.



Prostate Cancer UK    Tel:  0800 074 8383  (email contact form on website)
Prostate Cancer UK provides information and support to anyone with concerns about prostate cancer. They have a helpline, produce information and fund research into prostate cancer.

Tackle Prostate Cancer  Tel: 0800 035 5302   Email:
The National Federation of Prostate Cancer Support Groups is an organisation of over 80 UK patient-led prostate cancer support groups and acts as the voice of patients. It has a helpline and website and campaigns under the name Tackle Prostate Cancer.

infopool the patient resource 
infopool is the patient information website for the charity, Prostate Cancer Research. This website provides information about prostate cancer, a clinical trials finder and includes hundreds of real stories from people affected by prostate cancer. You can also share your own story via the website.

Prostate Cancer: Knowing your options
This website, produced by the East England Cancer Alliance, is aimed at patients with a new diagnosis of prostate cancer that has not spread. It provides information about the management of prostate cancer. It should be used in consultation with a healthcare professional.


Cancer Research UK webpage:

The Rare Cancer Alliance
The Rare Cancer Alliance offer support and information to people affected by rare cancers. It has a forum where you might be able to meet others with the same cancer as you.

The Rare Cancer Forum
The Rare Cancer Support Forum has several message boards so people with less common or rarer cancers can get in touch with each other. Friends and families of people with rarer cancers can also use the message boards to share their experiences, give support or get advice from people in similar situations.

RareCan allows people with rare cancer types to share their information with researchers. By doing this they hope to speed up the finding of new treatments and ways to diagnose people with rare cancer. RareCan also allows people to connect with other people who have a rare cancer.


GIST Cancer UK  Tel: 0300 400 0000  Email:
GIST Cancer UK is a network of people with GIST and their relatives. Everyone involved has experience of GIST (gastrointestinal stromal tumours). The website has brief information about GIST and its treatment and a list of links. The organisation runs phone and email support networks and a forum.

Sarcoma UK  Tel: 0808 801 0401 Email:
Sarcoma UK supports people with bone or soft tissue sarcomas. They have a website, an email support network and produce a newsletter.


Melanoma UK  Tel: 0808 171 2455
This organisation offers support to people affected by melanoma. It has a free phone line available 24 hours a day that is run by volunteers who have personal experience of melanoma. It also has a network of people affected by melanoma who it can put you in touch with. It organises support meetings every few months at various places in the UK.

The Melanoma Focus Helpline  Tel: 0808 801 0777
The Melanoma Focus Helpline is a new confidential service for anyone in the UK who has a question about any aspect of melanoma.


Orchid – Fighting Male Cancer  Tel: 0808 802 0010 (helpline)  Email:
Orchid hosts a forum for people affected by men's cancers.


Butterfly Thyroid Cancer Trust  Tel: 07399564463  Email:
They are the first national charity in the UK dedicated solely to the support of patients with thyroid cancer. You can talk to others with thyroid cancer via their helpline, email and telephone. They also arrange for buddies to help through the treatment process.